forget hassle, go for results

BLSTR sander® is the world’s first compact compressor-free sand blaster
Plug&play: work anytime, anywhere
Meet the BLSTR sander©


BLSTR sander® uniquely doesn’t require a bulky and expensive 100L compressor. Efficient and user-friendly, but with the same performance as with a 10Bar compressor

open grit system

You can use a variety of blast grits, allowing you to choose the perfect abrasive media for your specific project. Whether you need fine, coarse, or specialty grits, it works. Grit preferably between 0.5mm and 0,2mm


Because you no longer need a compressor, you can take the BLSTR sander® anywhere, anytime. BLSTR sander® is great for hard-to-reach places and to use on projects where you can’t move the object you’re blasting.

works on all surfaces

The first power tool that makes hand-sanding a thing of the past. With BLSTRsander®, you can get rid of paint, rust and dirt. For straight or irregular, curved or sculpted surfaces.
Tap to view before/after.
Hover left/right for comparison.


Wether painted or rusted, flat or curved BLSTR sander® easily cleans up metal parts without damaging the surface.
Tap to view before/after.
Hover left/right for comparison.


Furniture, doors and decorative items have uneven surfaces, making it impossible to sand them with traditional machinery.
Tap to view before/after.
Hover left/right for comparison.


BLSTR sander® is portable and easy to take outdoors to work on stone surfaces where a compressor might be hard to use.

see it in action
(available tool only in corded version- movies are with prototypes)

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Available in Juli 2024


In 2014, while renovating an old mansion in Antwerp, Koen M. was facing a specific DIY problem. "How do I sand the small corners and curves of my wooden stairs properly?"
The straight surfaces could be easily done with existing power sanders available in many shapes/brands and prices. Though, the corners and sculpted wood-parts of the handrail needed to be done by hand. A frustrating and labour intensive job.
"Fortunately" he looked for and did not find any appropriate power tool for the job.
This motivated Koen to innovate and start the development of a really new power tool that suits the job. He connected with Gregory Van B., a Professor Dr. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Antwerp, and subjected the first development phases to two Engineering students Hans K. and Michaël VG.
In 2018 GenR8 was founded, the idea patented and the first prototypes developed. In cooperation with experts in product development and power tool manufacturing the prototype was optimised and GenR8 proudly announced the release of the BLSTR sander® in 2023

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